service times

Sunday Morning Worship Service

Sunday Mornings @ 10:15 AM

(In person & streamed on Facebook Live)

Real Life Youth Ministries

Tuesday Evenings @ 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Praise Kids Ministry (K through 4th)

Sunday Mornings at 10:15 AM

Kids usually stay with us for worship. Then they follow the leader to the children's area for a special time of teaching, snack, and games that are geared toward them.

Nursery (Birth thru Pre-K)

Our nursery is fully staffed and available to children birth thru 5 years old. Come a few minutes before the 10:15 am service to check in your child.

Small Groups

We provide a few small groups that will be on Wednesday nights from September 4th through October 23rd! One is hosted by the O'Brien family and the other by the Helmuth family at their homes. Feel free to email for more information. There is also a girls small group for girls grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade located at the church from 6pm-7:30pm!

Email for more information.


BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge) is a program that is for the kids in Children's Church that happens every 4th Sunday! The whole church collects spare change in a "Buddy Barrel" and the money gets donated to Speed the Light to help Missionaries all over the world spread the word about Jesus!